Ragavan’s Taught Master’s experience | Study With New Zealand
“I feel more confident now, like I can fly out to any part of the world once I've finished, walk into any interview and nail the interview session.”
Ragavan Rajan is studying an 18-month Master of Information Technology at the University of Waikato. The programme is a “taught master’s” which means that the format is primarily made up of taught coursework rather than research.
A close connection with industry is commonplace among New Zealand taught master’s programmes. Ragavan completed an internship as part of his programme and developed new software for his host company’s website.
“I feel really proud because this product is live. It has been tested at the business level, and customers have started using it around the world,” he says.
“I really feel like this is my product, I have made something out of it. That was a really good experience for me.”
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