How to Get a Relevant Job in Auckland | Study With New Zealand
Auckland has a lot to offer in terms of employment and New Zealand has a strong culture of giving references and introducing people to jobs. When you are a new international student in a new town, bear in mind that tip, and you will do very fine in Auckland.
Personally, I think New Zealand has a strong culture of asking for references when it comes to work. As a result, if you are a new jobseeker in the country, try to build several references for the specific job you want to apply for. The references can be from your home country or someone that your potential employers can trust.
I have been working in the media and communications field, and then digital marketing for a while but not in New Zealand. As a result, I got my first job in New Zealand thanks to a reference from ABC Australia and my previous boss in the UK. I kept that in my mind wherever I worked and added these references on my LinkedIn page over time.
One more tip for references is to give references for other people on LinkedIn and ask for them back when using this platform. It is open to the public so it credits you for any international work experience you may have before an employer even calls you for the first round of interviews.
Local work experience
Local work experience really counts in New Zealand. If you can find work that is related to your dream job in either a casual or temporary role this is even better.
When I came to study at the Auckland Institute of Studies (AIS) for a postgraduate diploma in business administration, I knew that I needed to find a job in either administration, marketing, business development or logistics. I chose digital marketing because it was closest to my previous experience in digital media.
I narrowed my job search until I found a relevant job quickly. Once I had my first job in social media and website editing and writing for an advertising agency, other jobs came to me very easily.
Another tip to keep in mind is: one to two years of work experience in New Zealand is best to help you to gain a permanent job after graduation. The New Zealand work culture is actually different from the work culture in Viet Nam, the UK or Australia. As a result, try to gain as much New Zealand work experience as you can while you study.
Building your network
New Zealand is a small country with around 4.5 million people. People seem to know each other here. As a result, the people around who know your area of expertise can introduce you to relevant jobs.
When I completed my business administration course at AIS, the Student Career Centre (SCC) introduced me to a relevant job in my field because they have a database of jobs and employers contact them for relevant work contracts. My famous professor and keynote speaker, Jens Muller, gave me a very good reference for the project I worked with him on during my studies at AIS. All in all, jobs come from people working in the same industry and sector as you. This is the best reference you can start with.
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